Pregnancy Diet Tip #1: Increase your intake of fruits
“Having one apple a day is not going to be enough anymore”, advices Donna. We agree. If your pregnancy diet consists of paltry cut fruit bought from the supermarket, you’ve got to sit up and take notice of this. “For your vitamins, minerals and fiber intake, make sure you have a mix of fresh fruits with yogurt or honey. You could even have 2 tall glasses of milkshakes”, says Donna. We love this pregnancy diet already!
Pregnancy Diet Tip #2: Eat lots of iron rich food
“I remember feeling so weightless during my pregnancy. I had a tough time because my hemoglobin levels were low in any case”, said Donna. “To maintain a good iron level of at least 13 to 14, as a mommy-to-be, you must make sure you take additional iron in your pregnancy diet.” Pop in 3-4 dates a day, eat a spinach based veggie every second day and take folic supplements on your doctor’s advice. Now that’s a pregnancy diet advice not many will give you.
Pregnancy Diet Tip #3: Avoid nuts, too much vitamin A and too many calories
There are chances that your unborn baby may not take nicely to nuts. “Pregnancy diets usually advice mothers to steer clear from all sorts of peanuts, nut bars and nut butters, as the baby may start developing allergic tendencies to it inside the womb itself”, said Donna. “A friend of mine had also advised me to stay away from eating too much liver, papaya, fish with high mercury content and unpasteurized milk products to avoid any birth defects”, she added.
Pregnancy Diet Tip #4: Eat protein foods
“To deal with morning sickness, emotional anxiety and other pregnancy-induced uneasiness, you’ll need to have lots of energy to keep you up and about”, says Donna. We agree with her. “And building on a good protein intake in your pregnancy diet is the only way you can do it”, she advices. Did you know, by enriching your pregnancy diet with beans, peas, fish, skinned chicken and lean meats, you can reduce risks of hypertension and eclampsia?
Pregnancy Diet Tip #5: Drink, drink, drink!
Haha! We’re not talking about the alcohol, dear mommies. We’re talking about water. “Donna, how does drinking more water help”, we asked. “That’s a good question. Having enough water along with a proper pregnancy diet has numerous benefits. It keeps early labor, constipation and skin swelling in check. Not only that, a water accompanied pregnancy diet will flush out your system of any toxins that might have generated during the day”, Donna enlightens us. Of course, you can also fluidize yourself with fresh juices if you like.
We love the way Donna used her personal experiences to give us tips about forming a great pregnancy diet. We think that it’s not only important to know what to eat, but also what to not eat for a healthy pregnancy. Don’t you think so friends?